Liewe Lesers, 

Hierdie nuusbrief kom vanuit Jeffrey Baai. Ek kuier hier by 35 jaar + vriende wat ek ontmoet het toe ek nog op hoërskool was. Daar is min mense wat my so goed ken soos hulle. Hierdie is rus-tyd, bymekaarmaak-tyd, asemhaal-tyd, heel word-tyd. Dit is nou al amper 20 maande sedert my blindsided-egskeiding. Ek sou 20/11/1993 my 30ste huweliksherdenking gevier het. 

Kyk uit vir my onderhoud met Bruis-tydskrif, die Januarie 2024 of Februarie 2024 uitgawe. Dit is ‘n groot voorreg om deur hulle genader te kon word vir ‘n persoonlike onderhoud. Daarin sal ek meer vertel van Olifant op ‘n sweefstok se ontstaan en publikasie-proses. Ek gaan ook praat oor Geloof, my reis gedurende 2022 en 2023 se egskeidings-proses en my eks-man se affair en hoe ek dit oorleef het tot hier toe en steeds aanhou. 

Ek is besig om ‘n ongelooflike boek te lees: THERE IS A SPIRITUAL SOLUTION TO EVERY PROBLEM van: Wayne. W. Dyer. Die hoofstuk wat ek die meeste geniet het tot dusver is Hoofstuk 4: Stop giving energy to the things you don’t believe in. Dit is iets wat ek nou aktief toepas in my lewe. Ek deel ‘n paar van die waarhede daarvan met julle.

    1. As you think so shall you be: = Everything begins with a thought. Thoughts are invisible, so the source of your material world is in the invisible realm of energy. Once you understand fully that what you think about is what expands, you start to get very careful about what you think about.
    2. Express your desires: = The wish phase and the willing to ask-phase: “Ask and you shall receive” is not an empty phrase. It is an admonition from the Scriptures to elicit Divine Support in removing obstacles to your highest good. Go to a quiet place, away from all distractions, and ask God to guide you in the direction of a solution. Not to ask God to it for you, since you know you are never separate from this Divining Source. The act of asking is a form of letting go of the ego and accessing that highest spiritual guidance. 
    3. Intention: = It is the supreme confidence that they can put the right energy int the resolution of a problem, and it will materialize.
    4. A Hardening of the will: = Having passion for what you would like to attract into your life to resolve your problems. Any attempt to manifest what you want in life without passion is akin to dressing up a corpse. The body might look the part and have a good appearance but it will ultimately fail because it is dead inside. To be dead inside is to be without passion. What you intend in your thoughts with passion, you will act upon and ultimately create.
    5. What do you want? = When you find yourself thing a thought that focuses on what you do not want, no matter how insignificant it might be, remind yourself that you will ultimately act upon that thought and it will materialize into your life. STOP yourself right there. Silently ask yourself: “What do I want?” That is, instead of thinking that your arthritis is going to get worse, which is precisely what you don’t want, change the thought to an intention. “This arthritis is going to disappear from my life completely.” Eventually, slowly, but surely you will begin to act upon this new intention, which is a faster energy, and this new intention will become your reality. You will do whatever you have to do to avoid suffering with your arthritis. You will not complain about it, because you are no longer thinking of it as a problem, so you cannot complain. And miracle of miracles your body, which is a system of energy, will react to your thoughts as well. As has been said many times, “Your biography becomes your biology.” But more important: You will be putting your energy on solutions by removing the problem first from your mind and then your body as well. Decide to put all your energy of thinking into what you want and what you intend to create. The moment you took your energy off what you did not want, and put it into what you intended to create, the Universe conspired with you in a synchronistic fashion and you will be able to create the result of your higher/faster energy.
    6. Sending your energy to what is: = One of the biggest benefits of no longer giving energy to the things you don’t believe in is the discovery that the universe is unlimited abundance. You can go to the inexhaustible ocean with a thimble or a bucket, and take out of that source whatever amount you ask for. If you have enough faith, you can take away as many buckets full as you choose and it will make no difference to the ocean. Even better, you can go and fetch from that unlimited supply as often as you like. And so it is, when you are dissatisfied with what is, or when you what, is filled with so many problems, you have taken an eyedropper to the infinite ocean, ant then set about complaining about how little you have! True abundance is an absolute knowing that everything you need will be supplied.
    7. Stop giving energy to what you do not believe in: = Go for your highest vision of your sou land you will never again place your energy on circumstances of your life which you don’t want or believe in.
    8. The greatest illusion: = The belief that: The past is the reason why I am continuing to believe in these ways. It is like the wake of a fast-moving boat. The wake is the trail that is left behind ad nothing more, just a trail that is in the back of the boat. You don’t need to be a nuclear physicist to understand that the wake does not drive the boat. Nor does the wake of your life. It is simply the trail that is left behind. The greatest illusion is the one which you look into your past (wake) and put energy on what is there, even if you find it reprehensible, and then you act upon those thoughts and continue to produce more and more of what has always been. To transcend this illusion, you must see what it is that makes it an illusion in the first place. The wake cannot drive the boat. The wake of your life does not drive you today. But the present moment energy that you put into the events and actions of your past, explaining your continuing problems does affect your life today. That is the source of those problems, and absolutely nothing more. Just like it is the present moment energy being generated by the engine that makes the boat go forward. The trail that you’ve left behind cannot drive your life today, unless you convince yourself that this is the case, and that is why I call it’s the greatest illusion. 
    9. Getting Rid of your personal history: = No one said it better than Shakespeare when he reminded us: “What’s done is done.” Give up your personal history which is nothing more than low energy thoughts that you carry around about the way things used to be and why you are upset today because they no longer are that way. Many of your so-called problems are present today because you are that either in the wake and blaming it for your difficulties, or because you are caught up in your personal history and refuse to give it up. Know in your heart that everything in your wake and your personal history had to take place in order for you to be where you are today. Everything did take place, period. Rather than curse it, bless sit, and bring love and acceptance to it. Jesus of Nazareth said: “No man having put his hand to the plow and looking back all the time is fit for the Kingdom of Heaven.” Look back and our life will be hell. Indeed, remind yourself over and over: If I don’t have a story, I won’t have to live up to it.” You will attract what you think about, as long as you give energy to what they want for you. You must learn to increase your energy vibrations from the low range of anger, bitterness, and resentment to the higher ranges of kindness, love and forgiveness. The moment that you longer react with that low energy, the illusion of your problems will disappear. By sending love, compassion, and kindness to confront the problems of anger, resentment, and bitterness as always, they simply dematerialize. Why? Because they were illusions to begin with. Because they never existed except in your mind. 
    10. Stop taking your life so personally: = Stop taking other people’s lives so personally that are directed at you, is another way of reminding yourself that you are no longer going to give energy to what they want for you. Work each day at reminding yourself to halt that mental energy when it focuses on what you don’t want, on the circumstances of your life, on what always has been, or on what they want for you. Shift to a higher frequency of spiritual energy to focus on what you do want, and what circumstances you intend to create. Remember, you get what you really want, and you get what you really don’t want. The choice is yours! 

Hierdie bogenoemde is aangehaal uit die boek wat ek gelees het. 

Laastens het ek ‘n boek praatjie gedoen by ‘n boekklub in Table Bay: Die Sunningdale Boekklub saam Elmarie Waltman van Fine Music Radio. Dit was ‘n heerlike aand saam met die boekklub. Ek het twee boeke verkoop maar die wonderwerk van die aand was dat ek vir Kobus Grobler ontmoet het wat Olifant op ‘n sweefstok gaan voorlê aan die raad by die Departement van Onderwys wat die boeke vir Afrikaanse tweede taal goedkeur vir voorgeskrewe werk in die skole vir die 2026 sillabus. 

Heerlike November-maand en lees gerus weer deur Wayne Dyer se wyshede en waarhede hierbo. Tot volgende maand.